Based on the 2018 Telkom University Academic Guidelines, Article 1 paragraph 25: Guardianship is a process of academic consultation from a student to a lecturer assigned as a Lecturer Guardian/Academic Advisor for students, with the aim of directing students during their studies at the University and supporting the development of a conducive academic atmosphere for students. student study success.

Furthermore, Article 41 states that:

  1. The guardianship as referred to in Article 1 Paragraph (25) is the right for students to get it at least 3 (three) face-to-face meetings in each semester.
  2. The implementation of guardianship can be carried out through personal consultation or jointly with all students who are under the guardianship guidance of a Guardian Lecturer.
  3. Guardianship can be carried out on-site on campus or online through internet media using a guardianship application, by adjusting the schedule and conditions of students and guardian lecturers.
  4. One of the guardianship sessions that must be carried out is the consultation process and the approval of the guardian lecturer regarding the study plan for the next semester.
  5. Joint guardianship as in Paragraph (2) or on-line guardianship as in Paragraph (3) does not eliminate the right of students to perform guardianship in person through direct face to face with the Lecturer of the Guardian as in Paragraph (2).

To accommodate the needs of students in planning their studies, the PJJ Informatics Undergraduate Study Program provides a guardianship schedule as follows:

No. Force Class Guardian Lecturer No. Contact Day Time
1. 2019-2 IF-43-01.2PJJ NDN 0812-2424-588 Friday 08.00 – 11.00
2. 2020-1 IF-44-01.1PJJ NDN 0812-2424-588 Thursday 08.00 – 11.00
3. 2020-2 IF-44-01.2PJJ MZI 0813-2150-6588 TBA TBA

The guardianship mechanism can be in the form of:

  1. Communication via text message
  2. Telephone communication (audio)
  3. Communication via video-conference

Other forms of consultation can be done by filling out the following form:


[contact-form to=”” subject=”bolif”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]