Starting from the odd semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, the curriculum applied in the PJJ Informatics Undergraduate Study Program is the 2020 Curriculum. Several changes were made to update the previous curriculum by accommodating input from experts in academia, industry, and scientific organizations. In addition, the 2020 curriculum also carries the concept of Independent Learning-Independent Campus according to the direction of the Ministry of Education and Culture. An overview of the MERDEKA BELAJAR PRODI curriculum can be seen in Figure 1.

Gambar 1. Kurikulum Prodi Merdeka Belajar
In practice, students will be given two choices, namely following the entire learning process in the study program at the university according to the period and learning load, or following the learning process in the study program at the university to fulfill part of the time and learning load and the rest following the learning process outside the study program. . An illustration of this choice can be seen in Figure 2.

Gambar 2. Pilihan Proses Pembelajaran
The cross-study courses and managed outside the study program can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Courses across Study Programs & Managed outside the Study Program
The 2020 curriculum contains: